SysTools Open Office Writer Recovery is a powerful tool developed by SysTools Software; it allows the users to recover corrupted or damaged files in DOC format. It comes with an intuitive interface that grants quick access to its features. The tool allows the user to recover and restore content like pictures, texts, diagrams from the corrupted files; it is also able to recover the original formatting style of a document.
SysTools Open Office Writer Recovery will save the recovered documents in ODT format (supported by OpenOffice/StarOffice) as well as RTF (Rich Text Format). Saving the file under the .odt extension will create a fresh copy of the document, which will contain “recovered” prefix in its name. The document contents will be available only for the original author. Saving the recovered file under the .rtf extension will generate a document supported by Microsoft Word, Microsoft WordPad and Notepad applications.
The free version of the application is restricted to only fixing and previewing the corrupted files, but the users must purchase the full version in order to be able to save the files.
Briefly, SysTools Open Office Writer Recovery is a helpful tool when dealing with corrupted files, but its usage is restricted only to the files of this type, a situation most users would want to avoid firstly.